Following the call from Bishop Paul Swarbrick, inviting schools in Preston to come together to form a Multi-Academy Trust, Our Lady and St Edwards, St Augustine’s, St Bernard’s, St Clare’s, St Teresa’s, St Joseph’s and The Blessed Sacrament Catholic Primary School have worked together in forming the Mater Ecclesiae Catholic Multi-Academy Trust.  It seems fitting that the start of the new liturgical year marks the start of this Catholic Multi-Academy Trust.
Bishop Paul wanted this to be a coalition of willing and innovative headteachers and governors who see this as an opportunity to benefit our Catholic education.  As the seven founding schools, we saw this as a unique opportunity to work in collaboration and trust. Working together with families and parishes in a spirit of openness, honesty and ongoing development for the good of the young people in our care. How fitting to have Mater Ecclesiae – Mother of the Church - as our patron as we are ‘One family in Christ’.